ARMADA OAO (MICEX-RTS: ARMD) hereby announces resolutions passed at the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) held on June 28.
The company’s shareholders approved the Annual Report and Financial Statements Report. The shareholders also passed a resolution not to pay dividends based on the results of 2011 and to allocate the undistributed earnings for business development.
Konstantin Nadenenko, a representative of Leader CJSC, which is a trust manager of significant minority stake of ARMADA’s shares, was elected as Non-executive director to the company’s board of directors. Konstantin Nadenenko is a Director for venture capital investments at the Investment Projects’ Department of Leader CJSC. Otherwise, the composition of the board of directors remained unchanged and includes Alexey Kuzovkin, Igor Gorbatov (ARMADA’s general director in 2009-2011), Azer Badalov (Helios IT), Alexander Kutuzov (PM Expert), Maxim Selivanov (Soyuzinform), and Non-executive director Viktor Potekhin.
ARMADA Group’s 2012 IFRS financial results will be audited (as in the previous year) by DELOVOY PROFIL Auditing Company CJSC, which is ranked in a Top-10 Russian audit companies for 2011 by Expert Rating Agency.
About the company
ARMADA (MICEX-RTS: ARMD) is an innovating Russian IT company with product lines in Software and IT services. For over 15 years we have helped public and commercial organizations deliver better service in Russia. In 2011, ARMADA carried out projects for over 1,500 corporate and public customers. The group’s consolidated IFRS revenue totaled RUB 4.66bn (about USD 145m) in 2011, and net profit stood at RUB 492m (USD 15m).