Armada OAO (MICEX-RTS: ARMD) was included in top 10 of Russian IT companies in the rating of ”The Largest Suppliers of IT in the State Sector”prepared by the Cnews Analytics agency in 2013.
50 participants were included in the annual rating of companies dealing with development of software, provision of IT services and supplies of IT equipment for the needs of the state sector. The method of calculation of the rating position is based on the aggregate revenue amount from the projects implemented by the company in the state sector in 2012.
Armada is on the 8th line of the rating with the revenue volume from state sector amounting to 3.87 billion roubles which exceeds the results of the previous year by 35%.
“Development of software and provision of IT services for the state authorities are the priority directions of the company’s activities. Armada works with more than 40 federal and regional ministries and agencies. Such products of the company as elements of interagency communication, research and information systems, electronic registers, Internet solutions, information security solutions are highly sought by the state customers”, said Roman Kruglyakov, General Director of Armada OAO.
About Cnews Analytics
The CNews Analytics agency specializes in preparation of annual ratings in the sphere of information technologies and telecommunications. In February 2002 the experts of CNews Analytics prepared the first Russian rating of the largest IT companies – CNews100, which became a notable landmark for the industry of high technologies in our country. The CNews100 rating is published annually and is the most authoritative rating in the industry.
About Armada
Armada OAO (MICEX-RTS: ARMD) is a software developer and IT services provider for public andcorporate customers in Russia. It ranks among top 5 software developers and top 20 IT companies in Russia (Expert RA). In total, Armada’s solutions are used by over 30 million people in Russia. Website: www.armd.ru/en