The strategic partnership between Artezio and BBB-Software should attract attention to the Finnish and Scandinavian software market that has recently demonstrated high growth indicators. For Artezio, in its turn, the partnership represents a good possibility to expand its nearshore services in Nordic countries and have a permanent partner to represent the company in the region.
According to the annual survey the Finnish software industry generated about 3 billion euros in revenue last year. Approximately a quarter of those sales were by subsidiaries of foreign corporations, showing that international firms are significant players in the Finnish market. These statistics don’t include foreign branches operating in Finland, so the international presence is probably significantly underestimated. For Artezio it’s a good possibility to enhance its customer base and increase the visibility of its nearshore services.
“Due to the absence of the vivid cultural differences and convenient geographical location, Finland and Scandinavia are strategically very important regions for Russian software outsourcing companies. We have been searching for a suitable partner in the region for a long time that is why we hope that our partnership with BBB-Software will bring positive results in the nearest future”,
comments Pavel Adylin, Artezio CEO.
BBB-Software and Artezio are going to target mainly large regional financial institutions and local vendors supporting public companies. That’s why Artezio’s experience in desktop and mobile software development, system integration and other IT outsourcing services for such companies as the Royal Bank of Scotland, Raiffeizen Bank, Sberbank of Russia, Russian Ministry of Economic Development, etc. will be very helpful.
“Offering software development services in Finland and Scandinavia we should assure that the quality of services provided by our partners stays on the highest level as well. Flexibility and low personnel turnover rate prove Artezio as a reliable partner while quality certification and high qualified specialists with long-term experience in nearshoring guarantee high competiveness of Artezio services. We hope that this partnership will help increase our presence in the regional IT market as well as attract additional attention to Russian-Finnish interaction in the field of software development and nearshore outsourcing”,
adds Ari Kitinoja, sales director of BBB-Software.