Asseco receives awards

Asseco Slovakia, operating under the brand Asseco Central Europe, received two significant awards in March 2010. Among all companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange it ranked 1st in the category of Quality Products and Services. In addition, it also scored in the Microsoft Industry Awards competition, while winning the category of “The Best Solution on the WPF Platform”.

Asseco Slovakia, the first and so far the only Slovak company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, has confirmed its goodwill in professional investor circles when achieving the first place in the category of Quality Products and Services, in a competition organized by the major Polish daily Puls Biznesu. The evaluation was done by 180 specialists who influence investors’ decisions. The purpose of the contest is to appraise the potential grow of companies listed on the stock-market. 

It is already the second award granted to the Company within March. The Company achieved another victory in the prestigious Microsoft Industry Awards competition, in the category “The Best Solution on the WPF platform” for the project “Increase of efficiency in taxpayers analyzes”, designed for the Tax Directorate of the Slovak Republic. The purpose of the solution was to deliver a partial information system that provides users with comprehensive information about taxpayers, increases work efficiency and helps to search for dependencies. The prize is awarded annually to the best Microsoft partners developing solutions on its platform and using the new technologies in customers’ applications. Evaluation criteria consist of project extension, new Microsoft technologies utilization and client contribution.

“After last year’s third place in the Company of the Year 2009 category within the prestigious Trend Top Awards, we perceive these awards to be a positive assessment of our past work as well as a challenge and stimulus to search for new, innovative solutions. We appreciate the valuation of the quality of our products and services by analysts and investors all the more as it is an important expression of their confidence and an acknowledgement of our goodwill in international markets,” Martin Moravek, the Vice-president for Business Solutions Enterprise, explains.

Asseco Poland, the co-founder of international Asseco Group, achieved great success when being awarded the title „The Listed Company of The Year 2009“. Additionally, it took two first places out of five nominated categories (Board competences, Development prospects).

The Award is organized by Pulz Biznesu for 11 years. The ceremony took place on 8th March 2010 in Warsaw.

Source: Asseco

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