Asseco Slovakia, leading Slovak system integrator and supplier of IT solutions, will become 100% owner of Asseco Czech Republic upon the commission of Special general assembly. Simultaneously Asseco Slovakia, the first and only Slovak IT company directly listed in a Warsaw Stock Exchange for now, intends to issue new shares on Warsaw Stock Exchange (secondary public offering) with subscription’s possibility on another foreign Stock Exchanges as well.
Asseco Slovakia increases the share capital to 1.780 mil. Skk by 196 thousand ordinary shares subscription which will be settled by in-kind contribution. This will be executed by parent company Asseco Poland and the shares of Asseco Czech Republic are the object of the above-mentioned transaction. Thereby Asseco Slovakia has completed the acquisition’s process on Czech market and became 100% owner of Czech national pillar of ASSECO Group which has holded the majority stake in BERIT, leading Czech supplier of information systems and related services in the field of geographical (LIDS) and operating-technological (TOMS) information systems and LCS International, leading ERP producers on the Czech market, since 2007.
In order to strengthen leading position in Central Europe, Asseco Slovakia for the second time after initial listing on Warsaw Stock Exchange in October, 2006 will issue new shares on Warsaw Stock Exchange with subscription’s possibility on another foreign Stock Exchanges as well. The aim is to gain additional wherewithal for continuing extensive development by acquisitions and building new national pillars.
Asseco Slovakia is the part of ASSECO Group, one of the strongest softwarehouses in the CEE region providing complex IT services through its national pillars based in Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Germany and Adria (including Slovania, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Macedonia, Bulgaria).