ASSIST Software announced the partnership between ASSIST Software and Andrei Gafita, a 22-year-old Romanian race walking national champion from Suceava. He has been race walking for 11 years and he has competed in renowned events, such as the World Championships, the European Championships, the Francophone Games, and the list goes on.
He has had a lot of success in competitions in Romania and abroad. In fact, he has won 21 gold medals in national competitions and another three gold medals in international competitions. Also, he has held the national record for the 10-kilometer race walk since 2015.
ASSIST Software culture is driven by our employees’ needs and desires. Therefore, employees are always encouraged to find a healthy work-life balance. Physical activity is a vital part of this work-life balance, so ASSIST Software promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage employees to play sports or do some form of exercise regularly.
ASSIST Software are proud to be supporting this talented athlete.
ASSIST Software believe that they have a common purpose: to improve daily, to make each other proud, to support the local community and become true global leaders in what they do.