Baltic Data Center, a leader in the management of data centers and information systems in the Baltic States, will provide IT Service Desk services to three companies of the Carlsberg Group – Svyturys-Utenos Alus in Lithuania, Aldaris in Latvia and Saku in Estonia.
IT Service Desk consultants will provide support services and consultations to the employees of the Carlsberg Group who are using about 450 computers, 100 printers and 40 servers at the companies’ factories, warehouses and offices – at twelve sites in total.
According to Saulius Markunas, Director of Baltic Data Center, a company belonging to TEO Group, a single IT Service Desk allows the companies to more expeditiously and more effectively address the many questions that arise for company employees using computers and other equipment.
“In the event of any questions regarding computer use or malfunction, the customer needs to know only one phone number or e-mail address. Consultants can answer many questions already during the first call”, – S. Markunas said.
IT support will be provided to Svyturys-Utenos Alus, Aldaris and Saku on 24/7 basis, and the specialists’ consultations provided in three languages will prevent the language barrier.
According to Seitumer Curlu, Director of Carlsberg Baltic IT Department, after starting to use Service Desk services, the speed of servicing their employees has increased and the activities of the company’s IT Department have become more efficient, since this solution allows to prioritize malfunctions, perform real-time monitoring of their resolution progress and analyze data.
“By registering employee inquiries we can not only remove the consequences of malfunctions, but also easier identify the reasons of recurring problems”, – S. Curlu said.
The services provided by consultants of Baltic Data Center’s IT Service Desk are used by more than 4 thousand employees of Lithuania’s largest companies. Consultations are provided by certified Microsoft and ITIL specialists. In 2008 Baltic Data Center invested LTL 1.9 million in the information system for the management of Service Desk services.