BASSCOM became a partner of Idea Challenge – a competition for innovative business ideas under the topic “How could I change the world?”.
University students with desire and potential who want to be part of the solution but not of the problem could present their ideas for consistent business that has a positive influence on the surrounding environment – technologies, university, community, local environment.
There is no requirement for the ideas to be unique or phenomenal because the winners will be those that have developed their concept the best. Moreover, the prize worth the effort – it is a combination of mentors, contacts, knowledge, know-how and money.
The initiative is organized by Start It Smart- an entrepreneurship club in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Its mission is to support young people with innovative way of thinking from all universities to express their ideas and develop their vision for the world. The aim of the club is to build a bridge between tomorrow successful companies, universities and Bulgarian business organization with progressive thinking.