The BBC Sports and Olympics 2012 web sites of UK media group BBC, which are going to start covering the Olympic games in London within days, are based on the semantic technologies of Bulgarian software company Ontotext, part of Sirma Group Holding. This confirms the success of the firm in the sphere of media content semantic processing, which was achieved with the development of the web site of BBC for FIFA World Cup 2010.
The architecture of the dedicated Olympic web site of BBC uses the OWLIM semantic warehouse by Ontotext, as well as the company’s Concept Extraction Service (CES). Ontotext is among the leading enterprises in the world that work in the innovative sphere of semantic technologies, which let computers much better understand the requests that people make. Because of that, semantic systems are thought of as the future of Internet search engines, for they let machines search not only by key terms but by meaning too. The BBC Olympics web site is a good example of the abilities of the semantic web and of the solutions of the Bulgarian firm in this sphere. This type of software lets users find much richer and better matching content about the sports event.
Ontotext has been developing semantic software for more than ten years now. Its product portfolio includes semantic annotations platform KIM, the fastest OWL warehouse in the world OWLIM, web analyzes and search system WMF, biomedicine semantic products Semantic Biomedical Tagger and LinkedLifeData, as well as the FastForge platform. The company’s clients include BBC, UK’s National Archive, Press Association, AstraZeneca, The British Museum, Basel Institute on Governance, Raytheon, and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” among others.