Wil van der Aalst is a full professor of Information Systems at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e). He is also the Academic Supervisor of …
Would you trade your thousand-page outsourcing contract–the one that provides commitment, certainty, and clear-cut requirements …
Svetlana Ragimova, Kommersant Last December the Information & Computer Technologies Industry Association (APKIT) presented its strategy for the…
According to a recent survey by outsourcing analyst firm HfS Research, 63 percent of IT leaders would like…
October 29, 2012 the Softengi Company, which is a part of Intecracy Group, became one of the first IT companies in Ukraine, which opened a representative office in Georgia. The…
Eugene Kaspersky has had an interesting, varied life, with more than his share of adventures,…
For all the press surrounding Skolkovo and the Russian government’s plans to make the country…
“The main reason I believe President Putin supported the WTO accession is that it will provide Russian high-tech enterprises non-discriminatory access to foreign markets.” – Mr. Bernard Casey, an innovation…
If CIOs want to get the most from IT outsourcing deals, they need to treat…
Dr. Jonathan Westover (USA) held the second session of the Strategic Human Capital Leadership training…