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Top Outsourcing Trends for Q3 2011

According to research from the Everest Group, market activity was higher in Q3 2011 with 46 new service delivery centers set-up across both captives and service providers, as compared to 38 new delivery centers set up in Q2 2011. While Asia continued to account for more than half of location activity, there was significant activity [...]

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Offshore Outsourcing Pros and Cons

Offshore outsourcing is making quite a buzz in the Internet marketing industry for the past couple of years. Because of its remarkable reviews and one of a kind marketing strategy, more and more internet marketers are gearing towards outsourcing as well. But amidst its popularity, this marketing strategy has garnered quite a lot of mixed [...]

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The Two Trends In Outsourcing: Onshore and Offshore

The modern marketing industry has soared greater heights, injecting dynamic means to carry out a business. The information technology age has modified how businesses deliver their services to their customers. This is even made more dynamic with the trend today which is outsourcing. Outsourcing can be branched down into two (2) categories – onshore and [...]

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How to Outsource and Where to Find Outsourcing

Knowing how to outsource and finding places to outsource to, is quality in-the-know information. Running a business is hard enough as it is for big corporations. Starting up can be even harder when you don’t have the proper resources. An easy to use method for any task is the KISS method [Keep It Simple Stupid]. [...]

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Outsourcing Doing the Business for Small Firms

Outsourcing IT as well as other processes is enabling small businesses to work faster and smarter, claims one specialist. Martyn Hart, chairman of the National Outsourcing Association (NOA), says that back office functions such as accounts, human resources and IT are a distraction to many small to medium-sized firms. He believes that outsourcing them to [...]

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How Offshore Outsourcing Can Help Your Business

The Internet provides a whole lot of possibilities for every aspiring online entrepreneur. It’s amazing features such as speed, navigation and accessibility has taken the marketing industry into a whole new level. Literally, the world can be at your fingertips as you click away with your business in the World Wide Web. Aside from this, [...]

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Outsourcing Offshore Alternatives

The challenges of maintaining a successful business get more difficult as time goes by. With the current economic instability and continuous changes on marketing trends, entrepreneurs must keep up with the pace. One trend that stands out recently in the online industry is offshore outsourcing. This has been an alternative for most local businesses out [...]

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5 Benefits of Offshore Programming Opportunities

Offshore outsourcing is quickly becoming a popular method of saving money on programming opportunities. The reason for this is the never eluding desire of businessmen to save money on specialists services, the increasing quality of offshore programming offers as well as the proficiency of programmers in foreign languages and their general lookout for the foreign [...]

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Benefits of Offshore Outsourcing

The offshore outsourcing looks more and more as key to small businesses survival. Today businesses face rising costs, limited sales, and lack of resources to develop and launch new products. Their specific industry entry or even sustaining level barriers are higher and higher while competition is ruthless, and banks loans or assets are insufficient. They [...]

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Successful Offshore Outsourcing – Tremendous Competitive Advantage

Usually the definition of Outsourcing is “submitting to an outside contractor at least one of Company business functions that was initially performed in house”. If this contractor is outside the customer’s country, we call the outsourcing as “offshore” or “offshore outsourcing”. In the outsourcing process, the two organizations (Customer and Contractor) may enter into a [...]

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