“Blue Bridge” has started to provide to the businesses in Lithuania a new service – a novelty in the Lithuanian IT market – the unified communication solution service based on the integrated Microsoft and Cisco technologies. The solution significantly facilitates the inter-business communication and significantly contributes to streamlining business processes.
“For communication purposes companies use a number of different means ranging from desk-top telephones to electronic mail, audio and video conferences, etc. On the one hand, all these means facilitate communication processes, while, on the other they often cause a number of additional problems. Often systems coming from different manufacturers are not inter-compatible therefore their maintenance may become quite complicated causing additional costs. It is exactly these issues that we seek to address by implementing the unified communication solutions – says Dalius Butkus, “Blue Bridge” Sale and Marketing Director.
The unified communication solutions will reduce the investment for communication systems on the part of the companies, will enable businesses to access the unified user database, computer network and will minimize the system administration time and solution support costs.