On the 25th of April „Baltic Software Solutions“, together with 16 other Lithuanian companies supported the social project „See the dream“. This project is dedicated to encourage young blind and partially sighted students’ to pursue career and self-build for the future. Social project „See the dream“ aims to encourage children with visual disabilities to actively plan their careers and to seek it, also to change the public opinion about the negative provisions for people with disabilities and the capacity to work in modern society.
Thirty teenagers had the opportunity to meet face to face with potential employers, ask questions about various professions. Representatives told about a range of occupations, job opportunities and activities. BSS was presented by General Director Aidas Kavaliauskas. He told children about company activities, future plans and proposed several occupations.
„We introduced professions of the telemarketing manager and maintenance specialist. Children wanted to know what skills and knowledge are needed to work in these positions. I was surprised by the children’s motivation, courage and desire of knowledge. Of course, most of the current BSS team consists of programmers. Initially we wanted to present the developer profession. Before the event we looked for the information if any Lithuanian higher school offers an opportunity to study programming to disabled children, but we heard a negative response. However, I heard taht there is a person with visual disability, which works as a programmer in Lithuania“, ? said A. Kavaliauskas.
Later in the Lithuanian blind and partially sighted education center stand all the participants of the event had access to the various technologies used for the blind to live a full life. People with visual disabilities have special computer programs, equipment for identifying colors and products, various measuring instruments ? this is only a part of what was possible to see and try it out.
The Minister of Education and Science Gintaras Steponavicius visited the event. Minister wished the success to the project participants and stressed the importance of proactive initiatives and socially responsible public process.
All pupils from the Lithuanian education of blind and partially sighted center which take part in the project during the event had the opportunity to choose a company, its representatives to serve CV. On the 15th of May children will arrive to the selected company and will have several hours of internship and the opportunity to get familiar with the practical activities. „This week we will get the information about the number of children which chose an internship in our company. Although all the children mentioned that they use computer to study and to entertain every day, but one of the children – Janusas from the 9th grade – surprised me the most. He knows lots of things about information technologies and programming. I hope that he is interested in our activities and we will be able to help not only this boy, but also other children, who will visit our company, to implement their dreams“, ? said General Director of BSS.
The participants of the project „See the dream“ committed themselves to meet regularly and walk together towards the choice of dreams. The project is implemented by the association „JCI Capital” (Junior Chamber International ? International Youth Palace), together with volunteers from Denmark, Lithuania and The blind and partially sighted education center.
„See the dream“ will last until 2009 autumn. Thirty students will participate in the mentor program. During this program volunteers will work with students with visual disabilities and help them plan their future and achieve their career dreams.