Advanced business process management software developing company „Baltic Software Solutions“ will be allocated over 150 thousand. Lt from European Union funds to prepare technical possibilities studies. BSS has signed a contract with the Lithuanian Business Support Agency (LVPA) to administrate and finance these projects: „Developing of computer-based intellect investment decision support system and it’s technological and commercial viability verification (E-INVESTOR)“ and „Innovative semantic information indexing and search system“.
The company will invest a similar amount of own resources in the preparation of possibilities studies, based on which BSS will seek to create „intelligent“ software system for the investment management. „The demand of intellectual capital management means is very perceptible at the transitional period or crisis, when the normal investment strategy is not justified itself. For example, since the beginning of this year the basic share capital of the fund value fell by 12 percent. The liquidity decreased and risk increased. Increasingly pension funds, investment companies and other investors are being forced to rely not on subjective decisions of the expert, but to rely on „intelligent“ systems for investment management. We want to develop an electronic investor assistant „E-INVESTOR“ based on artificial intelligence. This program itself will develop and test the effect of various market indicators and investment strategies“, ? said General Director of BSS Aidas Kavaliauskas.
Part of possibilities studies research will be carried out by Vilnius Management Academy scientists. Studies will be carried out until the 31st of July. „As far as we know similar systems have not developed in Lithuania and Europe yet, so it would be an innovation. Of course, both projects are unique, therefore it’s risky. First, we will carry out possibilities studies. Later we are planning to render an application for support under the „Intelektas LT“ resources of EU’s. Then we will develop the systems and promote, maintain it from the company’s funds“, ? says A. Kavaliauskas.
Nearly 80 thousand. Lt was assigned to the project „Developing of computer-based intellect investment decision support system and it’s technological and commercial viability verification (E-INVESTOR)“. 75 thousand. Lt was assigned to the project „Innovative semantic information indexing and search system“. The funding is assigned under the 2007?2013 European Union structural funds in the use of the Economic Growth Strategy and the Action Program „Ideja LT“.