The branch organizations from the ICT sector in Bulgaria came up with a common position for support and improvement of the e-Government Strategy in Bulgaria.
The biggest Bulgarian ICT NGOs – BAIT, BASSCOM, the Bulgarian ICT Cluster and the Bulgarian Web Association (BWA), expressed their common point of view regarding the submitted for public discussion Project for e-Government Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria 2010-2015.
The main aim, expressed in the position of the four NGOs, refers to improvement of the Project for e-Government Strategy and support of a road map creation for the project long term realization. Estimating the efforts of the Bulgarian Government made until now, the branch organizations express their readiness for an active support as they emphasize as most important the presence of clearly expressed political will and purposive financing. The ICT organizations also point out that the e-Government has to turn into a national priority in its capacity of a key instrument for effective realization of the entire administrative reform and good democratic government.