The registration for the Bulgarian Web Awards 2010 competition has started.
Applications are accepted from 17 May to 13 June 2010
The registration of the applications for the Bulgarian Web Awards 2010 competition has started on 17, May 2010. The competition is organized by the Bulgarian Web Association. Up to 13 June 2010 all can apply and register on www.webawards.bg. The Official Award-giving ceremony will be held on 24 June 2010.
The Bulgarian Web Association gives special discounts to the applicants which depend on the time of registration. The Bulgarian Web Awards competition is opened for all companies and individuals who satisfy the conditions written in the Regulation of the competition.
We remind you that the web projects will be evaluated by a separate jury, compound respectively of business, media and web professionals’ representatives. The evaluation will be public and transparent; the choice of the winners includes live presentations of the finalists on 23 June 2010. A part of the Bulgarian Web Awards 2010 is a special seminar which will present the best practicies of the web professionals.
The main goal of the competition is to encourage the professionalism in the web, stimulating best practices. The competition will be activly promoted among media, business’ representatives, state institutions and companies, related to the ICT sector. The conditions for the applicants and the competition as a whole are described in its Regulation.
The Bulgarian Web Awards 2010 is organized with the support of:
BASSCOM, ICT Cluster, ASTEL, BAIT, BAA, AIESEC, Need.Bg, Web&Events, Digitrace.bg, BMG – Authorized distributor of the Adobe Systems for Bulgaria.
Media partners are: Darik Web, Economedia, PR Kernel, Kabinata.com, User Media, Calipers, Comfort.bg, tvtv.bg, SeeNews, eTimes, WebIT, .NET, ICT Media, Actualno.com, New Television, Programata Media Group.
Golden sponsor of the competition is SuperHosting.BG, Party sponsor is Еasyads.bg. Sponsor with material awards is Adobe Systems. The company will award the “Author of the Year” with Adobe Creative Suite.