CAFE Makler – a new Comarch solution for brokerage houses

In order to meet market demands and satisfy customer needs, Comarch introduces a new product, the Comarch CAFE Makler Application. The solution, designed with the use of modern tools, offers integrated functionality for handling operations carried out by brokers and other specialists of a brokerage house.

The Comarch CAFE Makler Application ensures consistency of information, operations and authorization in headquarters, branches and a brokerage house call center. The key functional features of the Comarch CAFE Makler Application include complex customer investment account servicing, i.e. orders on different markets, access to an investment profile, order monitoring, account activity tracking as well as support of customer communication.

‘While the professionalism of brokers depends on their knowledge and experience of capital markets, the placement of orders or the authentication and verification of customers depends on the tools at their disposal. The Comarch CAFE Makler Application not only integrates the functionality of various brokerage house business systems, but also provides an intuitive and ergonomic interface developed with the help of usability rules. These features provide benefits for the brokerage house including staff time-savings and operational risk reduction’ – emphasizes Grzegorz Prosowicz, Business Development Manager, Comarch SA. ‘Thanks to Comarch’s system, brokerage houses can achieve a major competitive advantage and greater profits for their customers.


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