Capgemini adds first line support centre for Europe in Poland

Capgemini today said that it is expanding its presence in Eastern Europe to meet ongoing client demand for outsourcing services by adding a new first line support help desk centre in Poland.

The new technology centre in Iasi, Romania, will perform first line IT help desk support and business continuity work for Capgemini’s outsourcing clients.

Iasi is one of the largest university towns in Romania, offering a qualified pool of talented and skilled employees for Capgemini. The language capabilities of the graduates also make it an ideal location to enable Capgemini to meet continued demand from its European outsourcing clients, supplying highly skilled staff fluent in French, German, English, Italian and Spanish.

The new centre in Romania will add additional capacity to the Capgemini’s existing Polish centres. The new centre will be modelled on Capgemini’s nearshore centers in Krakow and Katowice, Poland, where Capgemini already has over 3,000 outsourcing employees. It will offer first line service desk support for Capgemini clients, including service management processes and technical support.

Capgemini’s approach to desktop and distributed services is modular and flexible so clients can choose components to meet their particular needs along the life cycle of their equipment (procurement, installation, deployment and management, disposal stages).

“Opening a new outsourcing center in Romania highlights the ongoing demand for these services, despite the current economic climate, and enables us to continue to help our clients grow, innovate and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage,” said Richard Dicketts, global head of infrastructure management, Capgemini.

Dicketts said, “As one of the first international companies to enter Iasi, we also have access to top local talent, which we will grow through individual career path development into strong teams, and establish employees who will take pride in our achievements in this region.”

The new centre in Iasi also enhances Capgemini’s Rightshore strategy, which offers clients – depending on their needs- the best balance of services, delivered from nearshore centres both in close geographical proximity and services delivered from more remote offshore centres.


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