Russian news service RIA Novosti reports that iCarnegie, the technology arm of Carnegie Mellon University, has announced plans to open an IT training center in what is now developing as Innopolis, an ‘innovation city’ outside of Kazan. The city is the capital of Tatarstan, an autonomous republic of the Russian Federation.
The international educational and training facility will reportedly have the capacity to train as many as 5,000 IT specialists and business managers a year for both regional and national IT projects and is expected to start enrolling students next year.
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is a private university and research center headquartered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in the US. It is regarded as one of the world’s best campuses to train specialists in computer science. iCarnegie and its partners are said to have trained almost 150,000 students in more than 20 countries, along with more than 1,000 trainers.
Innopolis broke ground this past June. The future city will have an estimated population of 150,000, including about 60,000 IT workers.