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Outsourcing to Grow

Outsourcing is usually associated with businesses cutting costs as they struggle to stay afloat, such as when Pacific Brands cut 1850 local jobs and outsourced its manufacturing overseas. But it can also prove a valuable tool for an expanding company to help it manage its growth. Known as business process outsourcing, the practice involves a [...]

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5 Tips for Outsourcing Training

Outsourcing part or all of a training function has become a popular choice for an increasing number of organisations. The benefits can be huge in terms of cost savings, time efficiency and better management of training. If your organisation is considering going down this route, then here are our top 5 tips for outsourcing: Tip#1 [...]

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IT Outsourcing Delaware Companies Give You the Technology

Businesses today depend on information technology to succeed and operate efficiently. Without the correct IT resources implemented, your company could fall behind the competition and lose profit or credibility. While your small business may not have the room or funds for an in-house IT department, it’s important to know that you have options available to [...]

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Outsourcing: Think Quality Over Cost

Outsourcing seems to be the a viable solution for businesses looking to cut costs, but many of the companies that claim to be professional services organisations lack the fundamentals to deliver the required results. So says Anton van Heerden, GM at Altech ISIS, who adds that this cost cutting trend is especially true for IT [...]

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IT Outsourcing Enables Agility in Natural Resources Organisations

The change in dynamics in the ICT industry has resulted in different methods of delivering IT and communication services. By being flexible and innovative enough to foresee these changes means cloud computing, IT outsourcing and telephony expense management (TEM), are playing increasingly critical roles for businesses operating in the natural resources sector. The benefits of [...]

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7 Tips to Offshore Agile Development

You can’t offshore agile. That had largely been the accepted wisdom in corporate IT since the iterative development approach was introduced more than a decade ago. Distance, it seemed, would only make agile methods of close-working, collaborative teams, self-governance, and rapid, time-boxed development more difficult. According to a September 2012 Forrester report on “rightsourcing” agile [...]

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Business Outsourcing – Factors to Consider When Deciding to Outsource

How often have you gone to the office or reached the end of your day and wished that you could turn back time? You know that you have had a busy day, but you haven’t achieved what you had hoped or what was on your to do list? Heck, sometimes you can’t even remember what [...]

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Top Industries for Outsourcing

The companies are willing to be a leader in the growing global economy. More interestingly, their top priority is how to stay visible and to combat for the competition comes in the competitive market because they have to exclusively concentrate on their main operations. They take the advantage of outsourcing. The core purpose of getting [...]

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Sourcing IT Best Practices in the Wake of Digital Disruption

Digital disruption – a better, stronger, faster version of disruption driven by rapid technology changes and fueled by consumer desire – will cause a fundamental transition and upheaval of products in nearly every industry. Already we see devices as diverse as refrigerators and rice cookers being app-enabled from manufacturers such as Panasonic and Samsung. Forrester [...]

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IT Outsourcing Is Changing But Still Appealing

Making the decision to outsource some or all of your IT systems is a difficult decision to make but the appeal is stronger than ever, says Karl Flinders, services editor at Computer Weekly. He points out that while the evolution of IT means firms will often need to make regular investments into the their computer [...]

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