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Outsourcing Costs Sting Business

Businesses are being stung when it comes to outsourcing, according to a survey by privileged user management vendor Lieberman Software, SC Magazine writes. A survey of 250 IT professionals found that 42% of respondents said costs for their outsourcing agreements were higher than originally planned, while 64% believed their IT outsourcer had actually invented projects [...]

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Mergers and Acquisitions: The Road to Better Lead Generation Outsourcing

In today’s business scenario, mergers and acquisitions are the order of the day, and for the vendors operating in the B2B space, this is a great opportunity to get more business, since new positions are created and business objectives are redefined. This leaves room for a lot of new alliances, since the company is in [...]

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How to Win at the IT Outsourcing Negotiating Table

If CIOs want to get the most from IT outsourcing deals, they need to treat negotiation as an organizational business process–with training, tools, and processes–rather than an IT purchasing arrangement. Who’s your best outsourcing deal negotiator—Hank, the ‘people guy’ that everyone loves? Is your negotiating tool kit limited to your RFP templates and supplier scoring [...]

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Meaning of Outsourcing

In thе recent times Outsourcing hаѕ become a very рοрυlаr. It means “acquiring a product οr service rаthеr thаn producing іt уουr self”. According tο thе Wikipedia Outsourcing means “transfer οr delegation tο аn external service provider thе operation аnd day-tο-day management οf a business process”. It іѕ used bу еνеrу organization іn one way [...]

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When to Outsource: 5 Decisions

A trend I’ve been noticing in the last several years is small business owners increasingly choosing to hire independent contractors. We’ve long seen businesses pay outside lawyers or accountants rather than bring them on staff, but now outsourcing has become more popular for a growing variety of services. Data from our SurePayroll small business customers [...]

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Things You Should Know About Outsourcing

There are a lot of great opportunities today that are associated with outsourcing. In fact, outsourcing is becoming very popular today as more and more business owners are looking for freelancers to help them with a specific business project. Getting outsource support guarantees that you will get the work done, and there are some business [...]

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Outsourcers ‘Making Up Projects to Inflate Their Fees’

Outsourcing companies make up projects purely for the purpose of inflating their fees. That is one of the conclusions of a recent survey of IT professionals, in which two-thirds of respondents said that outsourcers invented projects with this one profit-driven motive in mind. Two-fifths also said that costs typically ended up higher than expected, with [...]

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The Real Cost of Outsourcing

As companies move farther and farther away from IT outsourcing, full time employment opportunities increase for IT professionals. Corporate CIO’s often think that they are eliminating IT problems by outsourcing their IT needs but in some circumstances, they are actually creating even bigger problems. Companies involved in IT outsourcing run the risk of losing their [...]

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Why You Should Outsource Your Mobile Application Development

Many organisations are looking to develop mobile applications, whether it be to encourage a more mobile and efficient workforce or for marketing purposes. These organisations are usually faced with the decision of who to approach when developing a mobile application, which can often be confusing. Organisations currently have the following options: Professional custom software development [...]

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Lieberman Software Survey Reports That 42% of IT Outsourcing Agreements Cost More Than Originally Planned

The results of a survey released today show that IT outsourcing, instead of saving organizations money, actually ends up costing more – and in some cases significantly increases the bill. A survey of IT professionals at Infosecurity Europe 2012 finds that 42% of respondents reported that costs for their outsourcing agreements were higher than originally [...]

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