As companies move farther and farther away from IT outsourcing, full time employment opportunities increase for IT professionals.
Corporate CIO’s often think that they are eliminating IT problems by outsourcing their IT needs but in some circumstances, they are actually creating even bigger problems. Companies involved in IT outsourcing run the risk of losing their intellectual property to the company(s) they are outsourcing to if they are not careful. This is an unforeseen cost of IT outsourcing that CIO’s need to safeguard against when deciding on what IT needs to outsource.
The loss of intellectual property has resulted in companies developing strategies to regain intellectual property by hiring skilled IT professionals in order to rebuild. Companies are also beginning to realize that they must stay involved with talent management in order to maintain staffing needs and that outsourcing is not always the answer.
There is an ever changing tide in the field of IT outsourcing which includes companies transitioning from outsourcing to one service provider to multisourcing arrangements, and now another transition to a decline in outsourcing altogether. These changes should alert IT professionals to keep a close eye on the job market in order to be prepared for what’s coming next.