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7 Reasons Why Outsourcing Is Best For Your Business

A lot of business owners are still under the impression that you need to employ full time staff and pay them high salaries to sit in your offices. The truth of the matter is that full-time staff only push out about 2 to 3 productive work hours in a full day if you are lucky. [...]

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4 New IT Outsourcing Pricing Models Gain Popularity

In the traditional IT outsourcing deal, the vendor provides a service —managing servers, developing applications, monitoring networks —and the customer pays for it, whether at a fixed price, on a time-and-materials basis or a cost-plus model. But as customers have grown to expect more value from their IT service providers and vendors have become eager [...]

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The Next Stop in Outsourcing: Accountability

This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter’s approach. With the nation’s focus on the need to create jobs, the habit of outsourcers to cite the traditional value of cheap labor will no longer be of adequate value for [...]

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Lead Generation Outsourcing: A Smart Move To Drive Business Growth

While considering whether to hire dedicated staff to drive sales or go for lead generation outsourcing, companies miss out on many points that make a vital difference in the long run. Sales processes and companies are inseparable, for the latter would always have the need for the former to sustain its progress and continue to [...]

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How to Find the Best Software Development Company That Suits Your Needs

Software companies play the major role in the current IT industry. The exposure and interest with the consumers is truly high, which they certainly look for quality output. The entire IT industry in India has managed to give out success projects in a short course of time. There are number of Software Development Company handling [...]

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Does Offshore Outsourcing Suits Your Company

Let us share a story with you; a person started a small online coffee business. Hiring in-house customer service department was out of question because neither the owner had ever dealt with call center and nor he had enough money to support it. Therefore, he outsourced the whole operation. The result was complete disaster as [...]

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Why Cloud Won’t Kill IT Outsourcing or Consulting

In a recent interview with CIO magazine, A.T. Kearney’s Arjun Sethi stated that cloud computing will ultimately end traditional IT outsourcing. In Arjun’s opinion, the likes of Xerox, HP and Accenture, as well as Indian outsourcing vendors like Infosys and TCS, are potentially in peril. At the same time, Arjun believes that Google and Amazon [...]

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Follow These Steps To Build Your Business Using Outsourcing

Outsourcing is the sub-contracting of a job or task to another party. It is the power of tapping into organized effort. Why Outsource? As entrepreneurs and small business owners, there are so many tasks that need to be done that there aren’t enough hours in the day for one person to get them done. Then, [...]

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Next-Gen Outsourcing

Anyone casting even a casual eye over the industry news headlines of late won’t be surprised to learn that a new generation of consoles is rumoured to be on the horizon. This transition will bring about the usual challenges and headaches for everyone in triple-A development amidst the usual flurry of assumed technical and hardware [...]

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True Global Outsourcing Should End The Visa Debate

Ever since offshore outsourcing became popular, employment visas — specifically the L1 and H1 visa — have been a source of debate. Indian vendors have needed them to make their offshore model work. US technical employees have feared them because they threaten to take away their livelihood. Well, here we are in 2012 and the [...]

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