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Global Tech Market To Grow By 5.4% In 2013, 6.7% In 2014

The 2013 New Year has begun with the removal from the global tech market outlook of one risk, that of the US economy going over the fiscal cliff.  On New Year’s Day, the US House of Representatives followed the lead of the US Senate and passed a bill that extends existing tax rates for households [...]

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9 IT Outsourcing Trends to Watch in 2013

This year the IT services industry saw a mixed bag of merger and acquisition activity (and regret), a more globally dispersed marketplace, increased focus on business outcomes, and–of course–more cloud build-up (and disappointment) than you could shake a stick at. IT Outsourcing Trends to Watch in 2013 CIO.com asked outsourcing observers to take out their [...]

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Outsourcing Contracts Down by 19%, Says Researcher

The number of new IT and business process outsourcing contracts worldwide dropped year-on-year in the third quarter, with contract values also decreasing, a research firm said. Everest Group, which had reported a drop of 20% year-on-year in the second quarter, said the number of contracts was down to 381 in the third quarter from 472 [...]

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IT Outsourcing Earnings Rise by 56 Per Cent

The earning from outsourcing IT jobs has increased by 56 percent in the last one year, said sources in the Bangladesh Association for Software and Information Services (BASIS). In the 2011-12 fiscal year, the earning was USD 70.6 million, while it was USD 46.35 million in the 2010-11 fiscal year, said BASIS officials, referring to [...]

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CIOs Eye More Outsourcing, Less Hardware in 2013

For 2013, chief information officers are planning to spend more on outsourcing and less on hardware and consultants, according to the Society for Information Management (SIM). The data comes via SIM’s annual CIO survey, which will be presented at the group’s conference Oct. 28 through Oct. 30 in Grapevine, TX. SIM’s CIO survey is instructive [...]

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The Great Outsourcing Talent-Chasm: 57% of Service Provider Staff Don’t Understand Their Clients’ Businesses

Rarely has a debate aroused so many emotions, yet failed to reach any conclusions, which was precisely what transpired when 900 of us duked it out over whether to drop the term “Outsourcing”. However we view this debate, outsourcing is centered predominantly on one constant: talent. Talent costs money and brings capability.  Outsourcing is about [...]

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Global Spend on IT Outsourcing Will Go Up $5 b This Year: Gartner

Global spend on IT outsourcing services will go up by 2.1 per cent in 2012 to reach $252 billion as against $247 billion. However, the growth of datacentre outsourcing business, which represented 34.5 per cent of the outsourcing market in 2011, will decline by one per cent this year. While there will be some impact [...]

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Gartner: Worldwide IT Outsourcing Services Spending to Cross $251 Billion in 2012

According to the latest outlook by Gartner Inc., worldwide spending for IT outsourcing (ITO) services is on pace to reach $251.7 billion in 2012, a 2.1% increase from 2011 spending of $246.6 billion. The fastest-growing segment within the ITO market is cloud compute services, which is part of the cloud-based infrastructure as a service (IaaS) [...]

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“Exploring Ukraine. IT Outsourcing Industry”: The Volume of IT Outsourcing Services Provided in Ukraine Has Grown by a Factor Ten

Over the last eight years, the volume of software development and IT outsourcing services the Ukraine has provided has grown by a factor ten, according to the “Exploring Ukraine. IT Outsourcing Industry” report, just published by Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative, leading association of Ukrainian software development and IT outsourcing companies. In 2011 the volume of IT [...]

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Outsourcing vs. Outsourcing, Part 1

IT Outsourcing is a young industry and there are many benefits along with areas for improvement. It is a comparatively new and fast growing business which means that it has some shortcomings, at least due to its fast growth. Having been in IT Outsourcing for many years I am certain that IT Outsourcing is a [...]

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