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Intetics participates in Discover IT Belarus in Germany

Intetics was again a major participant in the Discover IT Belarus event held recently in Munich, Germany. This important industry networking and familiarization forum took place on November 24 and was organized cooperatively by the Bavarian Cluster of Information and Communication Technology and the Belarusian High Tech Park, a government program to promote the IT [...]

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IBA at BankIT’11

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IBA at BankIT’11

IBA participated as a general partner in the eighth international forum on banking IT entitled BankIT’2011. Held from November 16 to November 17 in Minsk, Belarus, the event was organized by the National Bank of Belarus, the scientific and technological association Infopark, and the Association of Belarusian Banks. The program of the forum included an [...]

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On Banking Forum “BankIT 2011″ “Belsoft-Borlas Group” Presented BI Solution for Banking Built on Oracle EE Platform

The representatives of banks and IT companies came together on November,16-17 2011 at the Palace of the Republic (Minsk) to speak and discuss the efficiency of IT at financial institutions, to share experiences with colleagues, and discuss cooperation prospects. The forum began with the plenary session, during which respected banking and IT professional gave their [...]

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IBA at E-Workflow Conference in Kazakhstan

On November 17, the international conference E-Workflow: Imperative Demand of Our Time was held in Astana, Kazakhstan. The event gathered representatives of national and local governing bodies of Kazakhstan, and experts in e-workflow from Kazakhstan and other countries. The organizers were the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Information [...]

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ICFM Recognizes IBA as Best Employer

On November 17, IBA received an award of the Institute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM) in the category The Best Employer of the Year. The awarding ceremony was organized within an annual ICFM conference that was held from November 17 to November 18, 2011 in London. The conference aimed to honor the best financial managers [...]

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HTP Resident Company Applied Systems Presented a System for Automating all Routine Testing Activities in Barcelona

HTP resident, Applied Systems Ltd.,  expert in the field of automated testing, presented a system for automating all routine testing activities at The Third International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID 2011), held on the 23rd – 29th of October, 2011 in Barcelona, Spain. Valery Safronau and Vitalina Turlo, Applied Systems [...]

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Promwad Takes Part in Discover IT Belarus

Promwad Electronics Design House will take part in the presentation Discover IT Belarus in the capital of Bavaria, the German city Munich. The purpose of this event is a demonstration of capabilities, experience and knowledge of Belarusian IT companies during the meeting with representatives of German business. The Belarusian IT industry will be represented by [...]

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IBA Group At Silk Road 2011 Forum

On November 11, IBA Group participated in the international transport and logistics forum Silk Road 2011 that was held within the international conference “TRANSEURASIA-2011: Transit. Business. Integration”. Organized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National Center for Development of Transport Logistics of Kazakhstan, and Kazakh Railway, the event took [...]

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Altoros Worked on the SharePoint Solution for Microsoft Partner Network Event

Altoros authorized by our customer has developed an interactive SharePoint portal that became the main communication media at Microsoft Partner Network Event held on July 10-14, 2011 in Los Angeles. The event greeted 15,000 IT specialists from 130+ different countries. Employed by an ISV company, Altoros developed a large interactive portal that helps promote the [...]

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Oxagile Highlights its Symfony Development Expertise

Oxagile uses a variety of web development technologies for technical implementation of business solutions to ensure the right functionality, performance, scalability and ease-of-use for our clients. Our PHP development skillset includes many powerful technologies, and recently a number of our developers have placed their focus of interest to Symfony framework and concentrated on Symfony development. [...]

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