As we have announced earlier, the Summer Internship 2012 edition has started on the 11th of July and will finish on the 31st of August 2012. This year, 11 students from the “Babes – Bolyai” University and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca have been selected to attend the program. The chance of working on real projects [...]
Continue readingAs a project management leader of the Romanian market, TotalSoft was invited to attend the ‘Advanced Project Management for the Energy Industry “event, which will be held on 13-14 September in London. The event’s main topic, namely the effective implementation of projects and failure avoidance, has already sparked the interest of over 100 companies – [...]
Continue readingIT services company, Endava, has acquired Testing4Finance Limited, provider of specialist testing services to Financial Institutions.The acquisition of Testing4Finance creates new opportunities for Endava by enriching its financial services testing practice and by adding a number of major investment banks and other financial institutions to its customer base. Mark Firth, former Director of Testing4Finance and [...]
Continue readingTotalSoft, the regional software provider and member of Global Finance, became an associate member of VÖL – Verband Österreichischer Leasing-Gesellschaften, the Association of Austrian Leasing Companies. TotalSoft continues to strengthen its operations in Europe and has recently established a new subsidiary in Vienna to serve the DACH region, after having also joined Leaseurope, the European [...]
Continue readingTotalSoft announces signing a contract with STX OSV Tulcea and Braila shipyards, members of the group with the same name based in Norway and active in 6 countries and 3 continents, for the implementation of the Oracle Primavera project management solution and training services.Once the contract was signed, the number of shipyards working with software [...]
Continue readingIn 2012, for the second year in a row young Romanian Computer Science Talents are the winners of the Cisco International NetRiders IT Skills Competition. The prestigious technology competition of the Cisco Networking Academy was organized in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Russia, Commonwealth Independent States (CIS), Middle East and Africa. This year Alexandru-Cătălin Bujor [...]
Continue readingA commonplace business tool, an operational strategy, the industry of the 21st century: it’s all about outsourcing. In a world of global relationships outsourcing addresses the increasingly competitive market demands for cost-effective, better and faster services. Companies of different size and from various sectors have access to the global supply pool. A recent report conducted [...]
Continue readingBetween 2012 – 2014 the Central Estern Europen (CEE) IT makets will register at least a double growth rythm in comparison to the GDP growth rate of the area, minimizing the difference to western countries. Surging interest for mobile technologies and cloud computing and absorbtion of non-refundable European financial grants will push the IT market [...]
Continue readingRomania has been ranked in the top 10 emerging outsourcing destinations in the Outsourcing Business supplement distributed on June 11th by The Times in association with the National Outsourcing Association (NOA). The article mentions that wage inflation and rising staff attrition is reducing India’s cost effectiveness and allowing other locations to take a bigger slice [...]
Continue readingAfter fulfilling our need to be connected as quickly as possible, with as many people as possible, the need of understanding our current location and using the outmost possible of your context came to surface. Why carry a special navigation device, a tourist map, a local events guide or other obsolete items when you can [...]
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