Putting the current economic downturn into longer term perspective, there is perhaps even more opportunity for global market’s economic growth in 2009 to focus on opportunities within the CEE region.
The proposition of building strategic technology partnerships and outsourcing will stay strong and contractors should consider to grasp budding opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). It is therefore important to consider how CIO’s view opportunities for technology infrastructure growth and equally how CIO’s within the CEE manage their own technology needs in context of wider Europe.
As the role of technology leaders evolve, learn how top CIO’s from the CEE and also a more international basis have capitalised on technology and used innovative models to move to the forefront as strategic leaders, business builders and masters of their industries. In the CEE in particular, the chief information officer (CIO) or IT director is one of the newest additions to the senior management team and a role which is developing very rapidly.
CEEIT 2009 will focus on a broad range of perspectives – from global macro economic issues to corporate IT strategy and tactics – so that delegates leave with both content and context from a range of best practice case studies. Participants will discover the proven formulae for success, discuss the future direction of IT leadership and learn how to transform an organisation by becoming a ‘CIO of the future’.
Stamford Global has established a strong profile with its previous CIO CEE Leadership Forum and is well placed to offer further informative insights into the Central Eastern European region, covering developments in both the role of the CIO and the technology which supports this function.
Join the elite group of Central European CIOs at the 2nd Annual CEE IT Leaders’ Summit to discuss the following mission critical issues: