Chief executive officers (CEOs) are being urged to recognise the value of green IT, which can be facilitated by outsourcing providers.
Industry commentator Doug Washburn noted in an article for ZDnet the prevalent conception that CEOs are mainly interested in revenue growth and profitability.
But he said IT could play a major role in helping firms to achieve their green goals, though many businesses leaders may need convincing.
Research by Forrester found that only 16 per cent of the world’s largest companies mention green IT in their annual reports.
“The good news, however, is that IT is playing an increasingly central role in planning and executing companywide green strategies,” Mr Washburn said, before adding there was still some way to go.
Mark Thompson, managing director of COA solutions, said in an article for the Business Computer World that some companies had lost their focus on environmental issues during the recession and advised them to get back on track.