CEVA Logistics – into the new warehouse with a new system

Project of implementation and development of Warehouse Management System DCI MySite for a logistics company CEVA Logistics

Aimtec, a significant Czech provider and developer of warehouse and logistics management systems, realised a project of development and implementation of its Warehouse Management System DCI MySite for a global logistics company CEVA Logistics. The adopted solution will enable the company to significantly improve efficiency of evidence, manipulation of goods from customers management and, in general, make situation in its newly built warehouse more transparent.

CEVA Logistics is one of the world’s leading supply chain companies providing end-to-end design, implementation and operational solutions in contract logistics and freight management to large and medium-sized national and multinational companies. The company was found in August 2007 when two large corporations, TNT Logistics and EGL Eagle Global Logistics, merged. CEVA employs circa 50,000 people and runs an extensive global network with facilities in over 100 countries.

CEVA Czech Republic has recently relocated to new multi-user warehouse in Dobroviz conviniently located only 5 kilometrers from Prague International airport. Warehouse area with 14.000 m2 serves customers from different industry segments such as FMCG, High-tech, Automotive providing its operational excelence. The Company, therefore, for its new warehouse needed a Warehouse Management System capable of managing the record of flow of goods in stock, easing workload and making logistics processes more flexible.

As a supplier and implementator of WMS, CEVA Logistics management had chosen a Czech company Aimtec. Aimtec has wide-ranging experience with the development and implementation of warehouse management systems in a large number of logistics and production companies. This decision of the Czech branch management had to be justified to and approved by the Company Headquarters for Central & East European branches. Aimted provided CEVA Logistics with its own solution DCI MySite, which is being continuously developed and adapted to the logistics processes of the customer. It is an effective warehouse and logistics management tool, which utilises modern technology for item identification based on bar codes.

Cooperation with Aimtec commenced at the beginning of November by analysis of the current status. Pilot project for the new warehouse was commenced March 1, 2009. In the first phase, the solution has been applied to the top two customers of CEVA Logistics, and will gradually be extended to other customers in the future. At the same time, the new warehouse management system was integrated with individual customers‘ information systems. The system will be continuously developed according to the needs and requirements of CEVA Logistics.

Source: Aimtec

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