TotalSoft, the regional software developer, part of Global Finance group, announces a contract signing with Deutsche Leasing Austria for implementing Charisma Enterprise integrated information system. Deutsche Leasing Austria is part of Deutsche Leasing Group that activates on the financial market for over 40 years, operates on 3 continents and has offices in 22 countries. Besides the customer size, the new contract marks with a white stone the entrance of the Romanian ERP system on a new European market, in only 5 years from its internationalization.
In the first part of this year, Deutsche Leasing Austria made the decision to buy an ERP software to support the strategic decisions, for the automation and optimization of the specific business processes and for the aggregation of the information in an unique information system. The company conducted a careful analysis of many solutions, among them being a local one. Thanks to the excellent references got from Deutsche Leasing branches in Romania and Bulgaria which are already using Charisma Enterprise system, but also due to the notoriousness Charisma has in South-Eastern Europe, the company decided to implement the system originating from Romania.
The contract also involves the implementation of the business intelligence component, Charisma Analyzer, that, based on the information retrieved from the system, will provide to the company with the capability to perform comparative business analysis and so to get an insight based on the actual amounts, which is required for the high-level shaping of the business strategy.
The project is scheduled to be executed during a period of 3 months. In this time, the entire contract base and the management of the company will be exclusively transferred into Charisma solution.
TotalSoft already has a presence on the Austrian market for 3 years, through comprehensive solutions, based on CRM and SharePoint technologies from Microsoft, for customers such as OMV Vienna group or EconGas. The new contract blazes the expansion of TotalSoft presence on the local business environment.