March 3, 2009. CIO Happy Hour portal ( www.ciohappyhour.com ) will be launched as a new questions & answers platform for business people and IT specialists interested in maximizing software solutions value for business.
This project aims to help business people and IT specialists to understand each other better making it possible to talk the same language. CIO Happy Hour team consists of devoted professionals all working in IT business with wide and manifold experience in the sphere.
CIO Happy Hour is a Q&A platform, which gives you a possibility to:
Sasha Kovaliov, the coordinator of the project states:
“The name of the platform is simple and speaks for itself: our experts are playing the role of virtual CIOs, who are considering different options for business task solutions, their pros and cons, applying innovative technologies and methodologies to improve the business processes. CIO Happy Hour will be a truly engaging resource. We will listen to you and answer your questions, carry out guest interviews, publish solutions overviews, independent testing reports, and so much more.
It’s the very right time to launch such a resource: time of smart and not expensive solutions, which you will find together with CIO Happy Hour experts. So don’t guess, ask! We will help your business”.
Start with CIO Happy Hour site instead of browsing hundreds of web search results if you’re looking for tips and guidelines related to software development, outsourcing, technology and web with. All wrapped in business thinking and language.
Send your questions right now at connect@ciohappyhour.com.
Follow us on twitter @ciohappyhour