Developing your business strategy and technical migration towards cloud services.
With Asia poised to achieve massive growth in cloud computing, mature markets in the region are nurturing early adopters while developing markets are presenting many greenfield opportunities for cloud vendors. Implementations are forecast to soar.
Cloud Computing 2010 will help SMBs and large enterprises who are migrating towards private and public cloud provisioning models to satisfy their concerns around quality, security and governance. Through a series of end-user case studies from early adopters and innovators, delegates will be able to evaluate whether a public or private cloud strategy will best suit their IT and business requirements.
Drive your Cloud Computing strategy in Asia in these areas:
Why Attend? According to the speakers:
Cloud Computing 2010 has brought together some great end user case studies and experience, clearly demonstrating the business value in moving towards a cloud architecture.
Steve Collins, GM, Intel IT Engagement Group
With the spectacular economic growth in Asia, CIO’s are calling for a technology which offers flexibility to deploy in any form, scalability to grow from R&D up to high availability production environments and simplicity to obtain skills and people to manage environments. Cloud answers all of these challenges with the added benefit of transportability to easily move between providers unshackled from long term contracts. But with everyone having simple answers at varying price points, making the right choice is even more difficult.