Comarch was included in Business Process Management tools suppliers by independent British BPM analyst Theo Priestley: www.bpmredux.com. Comarch Business Process Management is a modern system designed for modelling and managing business processes in any organization, by employees with no programming skills. CBPM is also an integration platform that supports the connection of various distributed applications such as transactional systems, CRM, contact center, data warehouses and document archives.
Business Process Management (BPM) is a philosophy involving modelling and optimization of business processes in a company. BPM aims to reduce operating costs and quickly adjust business processes to changing market conditions. The implementation of business process management tools improves the efficiency of tasks carried out in a company. A modern BPM philosophy, based on state of the art technology, guarantees the innovation and flexibility of a company.
‘Investment in BPM tools can improve the competitiveness of any company. A certain maturity level of business process management must be achieved and this can be done by modifying existing processes. When processes are properly defined, BPM tools can show their full potential. For example, a manually operated process of handling a loan application, together with the transfer documents between departments, can take several days. Automating the process, using BPM tools, shortens the whole process to several hours or even to a few minutes’ – says Slawomir Klis, Business Development Manager, Comarch SA. ’Another good example can be found in the insurance sector. So far, insurance companies compete with each other mainly through the reduction of policy price. Currently, policy prices are so low that insurers are beginning to compete in other areas. They are trying to improve the efficiency of the claim handling process – BPM tools can significantly reduce the decision-making time, especially when electronic documents are used’.
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You can find more information on Comarch Business Process Management at www.bpm.comarch.com