Comarch shows how to deal with the economic downturn and maintain business profitability during the 5th annual OSS/BSS Seminar in Krakow

This year’s edition of Comarch OSS/BSS Seminar is held between the 18th & 19th of May in Krakow, Poland. Comarch will unveil best practices and new OPEX optimizing tools during presentations, user group round tables and workshops.

Seminars, round tables and workshops will take place on the 18th and 19th of May in the newly built Comarch Business Center at the company’s headquarters in Krakow.  The event is dedicated for Comarch’s existing and potential clients as well as system integrators and business partners. Attendees will benefit from networking with the user group community, industry specialists representing service providers, Comarch experts and industry analysts.

- Comarch experts and executives, along with our own customers, distinguished market analysts and system integrators will be discussing current business models and the latest telecommunications market trends as well as highlighting where information technology and Comarch’s solutions fit in - invites Piotr Piatosa, VP Telecommunications, Member of the Board, Comarch SA.

The event will focus on the following topics: Synergy effect in Network & Service Management – Inventory – Planning – Fulfillment – Assurance, Simplifying complexity – a step forward to introduce efficient two-sided business, a B2B gateway layer, convergence and service oriented architectures and policies and effective trilateral partnership between ISV-SI-CSP as a way to optimizing OPEX.

Source: Comarch

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