Companies ‘looking at IT outsourcing due to downturn’

Companies are increasingly looking at their business processes to determine where they can make savings and could invest in IT outsourcing, an expert asserts.

David Murray, a growth solutions provider with Deloitte, claims firms will examine their non-core activities to determine what can be better provided by an external organisation, the Australian reports.

He states: “When organisations start looking at their cost structure and where they can take out costs, inventive people look and consider how they can do that.”

Among the other pieces of advice he offers start-up companies is to conduct a thorough investigation into the market before taking their first step, the news provider reveals.

He calls on entrepreneurs to avoid entering areas they know little about and recommends they focus on what they are passionate about.

In other news, a report from analyst Gartner suggests the London IT outsourcing sector will continue to grow during 2009.

Source: ihotdesk

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