Competition in Business Process Outsourcing

When things get tough, the survival instincts get expressed naturally. There has been some real competition in the recent times among business process outsourcing units. BPO services firms have always relied on the major business units in the first world countries for their revenue. However, because of the recession, business firms in the first world countries are on the verge of shutting down, let alone outsource business. There are very few firms who can afford to hire business process outsourcing firms in these times. The volume of business having gone low, there is stiff competition among BPO solutions providers to lay claim on what is there.

BPO services units are looking at various ways to stay afloat in this competition. The best way to do is that to stake claims on as much business as they possibly can. That is where they are looking at referrals and industry recommendations. They are tapping old clients and expanding their network base to connect with more clients. When they are forging new ties, they are always aiming to cement ties with the clients for future assignments. A client or an account is of great importance to any BPO services firm in these times. Business process outsourcing units are meeting deadlines with increased regularity and precision. As a matter of fact, their aim is to hand over the work before the client can tap with deadline alerts.

Quality is the keyword when it comes to competition in the BPO solutions sector. Business can only lead to more business if the quality of work is of the client’s satisfaction. Business process outsourcing firms are paying a lot of attention to the quality of work that they are doing. There are stricter quality control rules in place and more quality checks in place. Employees at call centers and agents are more careful about how they are dealing with customers and how much dedication they are showing in their work. They have realized that pink slips are the order of the day and there is a very stiff chance of being hired elsewhere. The only way that they can survive in the job is by earning more revenues for the company and keeping it afloat.

After quality, the survival buzzword in the business process outsourcing industry is cost. Cutting down costs of their BPO services has benefited many units. However, the rising inflation doesn’t really allow you to cut costs beyond a certain limit. So the only way you can do it is to cut down on employee strength or reduce the pay. Since both the methods make it a disadvantage of the employees, BPO services need to have a crack team that delivers the goods without any wastage of resources. Technological back-up can only make things easy to a certain extent. Beyond that, it’s your team and planning.

Planning for your business process outsourcing projects is of primary importance to minimize resources and maximize profits. Chalking out plans well in advance and making your team aware of the responsibilities always help you in the advanced stages of your project. To beat competition, you have to be different.


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