Cost savings created by IT outsourcing, expert claims

IT outsourcing presents businesses with a range of benefits, an expert has pointed out.

Writing on TMCnet, Carolyn Dawson suggested that the ongoing economic downturn has caused many companies to look at more effective ways to carry out day-to-day tasks.

She explained that IT outsourcing offers firms the opportunity to reduce their spending on payroll, which is usually one of the largest bills facing an organisation.

“Cutting down on IT staffing expenditure would automatically have a positive impact on company’s bottom lines,” the expert wrote.

In addition, Ms Dawson claimed that making use of IT outsourcing allows businesses to avoid spending on new equipment when their current technology becomes redundant.

Last month, Piers Linney, executive director at Outsourcery, said that small firms should consider using IT outsourcing, as it will allow them to focus their efforts on business critical activities.

He also suggested other advantages include increased efficiency and short-term savings.

Source: ihotdesk

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