CROZ Code Quest will be held on Saturday, 02.06.2012. at the Learn@CROZ education centar, Lastovska 23, Zagreb.
What is CROZ Code Quest?
A programming competition, similar to Google Code Jam.
This sounds like an informatics competition that we had in school.
There are two distinct differences between school competitions and informatics Olympics. Firstly, there is less of an emphasis on devising algorithms. It is more important to quickly implement an requested functionality as well as customising your code according to change requests in as equal an amount of time. Secondly, you can use any kind of programming language and development environment. We believe that this kind of competition is much more similar to the work of IT professionals in the real world.
What is the reward?
You will have the opportunity to demonstrate and test your coding skills, share knowledge with other competitors and software engineers from CROZ, all in the comfortable environment of the Learn @CROZ education center where you will also get pizza and drinks. The winner of the competition will have the chance to work with an outstanding team of CROZ experts through a Student service contract as well as having the opportunity for potential full-time employment at CROZ, working on dynamic and challenging projects in Croatia and internationally.
Who can participate in the CROZ Code Quest?
Students in their final years of study are eligible to apply for the CROZ Code Quest. Due to the nature of this competition, it is essential that you have additional experience in programming aside from the experience which you attained while in school.
What do I have to do in order to participate in the competition?
If you have met the following conditions, register at the email address: codequest@croz.net
Please provide the following in your application entry:
We will invite those candidates whose description of programming experience is the strongest and who performed best on the online assignment. Through this assignment, you will become familiar with the concept and technical aspect of the competition as well as assessing your own skills.
Applications will be accepted until 23.05.2012.