DataArt, the global technology consultancy with a dedicated office in Munich, has become an active supporter of the Munich and Upper Bavaria Chamber of Industry and Commerce (INK).
As a supporter of the IHK initiative “Pack ma’s digital,” the DataArt digital experts will help small and medium-sized regional companies with the digital transformation, from business consulting to technology advice. Friedrich Stahl, Business Development Manager at DataArt, will answer specific questions from companies facing challenges on the way to the digital future and flag new opportunities. He will also share his knowledge by speaking at events and webinars, as well as on the phone and in person.
Let’s do it!
Under the motto “Pack ma’s digital” (“Let’s do it digitally”), the IHK Oberbayern is committed to supporting small and mid-size enterprises interested in digital transformation. During free webinars, workshops and events, as well as through the vast IHK network, interested businesses will be able to learn how to maximize profit by digitization. The head of the Munich based initiative is Bernhard Kux, IHK consultant for information and communication economy.
For more information, please see https://www.ihk-muenchen.de/de/pack-mas-digital/
Digitization secures location
Friedrich Stahl welcomed the initiative, “We’re happy to partner with the Pack ma’s digital IHK initiative and to provide further support to the economy of Upper Bavaria.”
DataArt is a global technology consultancy that designs, develops and supports unique software solutions, helping clients take their businesses forward. Recognized for their deep domain expertise and superior technical talent, DataArt teams create new products and modernize complex legacy systems that affect technology transformation in select industries.
DataArt has earned the trust of some of the world’s leading brands and most discerning clients, including Nasdaq, S&P, Travelport, Ocado, artnet, Betfair, and Apple Leisure Group among others. Organized as a global network of technology services firms, DataArt brings together expertise of over 2,500 professionals in 20 locations in the US, Europe, and Latin America.
Borgmeier PR
laudia Bendrat & Jörg Wiedebusch
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email: wiedebusch@borgmeier.de
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