The end of the year was marked by our annual Netgen Winter Meetup and a partnership between Web Summer Camp and Agent Conference.
This is what we have been up to in December.
Summer Camp
Workshop proposals for Web Summer Camp 2017 are pouring in!
We will begin the selection process soon, so do not wait for long, send us your idea today.
The announcement for the next Camp and a short review of 2016 are also featured on Netokracija (in Croatian). See you in Rovinj?
We recognized Agent Conference as Web Summer Camp’s winter counterpart in the atmosphere, quality, and after-workshop activities. Here is what you get out of our partnership!
For regular updates on the Camp, sign up for the websc newsletter, and you can also follow all news on Facebook and Twitter. For interesting photo stories, check out Instagram.
Conferences & Meetups
Netgen Winter Meetup in the beginning of December provided a great opportunity for the whole crew to get together. We discussed the past year and made plans for the next one.
Our partners and friends joined us for lunch, a birthday celebration, and a Netgen Layouts presentation. Fun times!
Our Filip wrote about Netgen eZ Social Connect Bundle, an integration of HWIOAuth bundle for social login with eZ Platform / eZ Publish. This bundle supports Facebook, Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn sign-ins out of the box and can be extended easily if needed. Let us know what you think!
Our crew expanded! The search for a new PHP developer brought us Randy and we are happy to have him on our team. Here are his impressions after a month and a half working with us!
“I applied for the job at Netgen after a friend of mine told me about an opened junior developer position. When he was talking about the atmosphere in Netgen, I found it hard to believe that such a job really exists. After a week of onboarding, I immediately started working on a project. And I liked that approach. I was a little concerned about whether I am ready or not, but the crew was amazing and I got all the help needed to get going. You know, when people talk about work, it usually sounds more like grumbling than talking; something along the lines of ‘you have to get up early and work all day and you cannot wait to finish and go home’. That is not the case with me. Every morning when I get up, I cannot wait to arrive at the office, grab my coffee, hear some fresh fun facts from the crew, and then start working on interesting and challenging tasks. The atmosphere in the office is really relaxing and I think this increases productivity a lot. Except for the interesting tasks, great surrounding, and a great crew, I also like the flexible working hours and a cooked lunch every day.
To sum it up, we spent the month spreading holiday cheer and spending quality time with our Swiss and Norwegian partners.