DevConf – A professional conference dedicated to the leading technology in the field of programming and web-design
Participants in DevConf are given a unique opportunity: to have immediate access to all the leading technology in web-design and listen to presentations given by the founders of said technology, who will gather in Moscow from around the world.
On the 15th of June a series of one-of-a-kind masterclasses(workshops) will take place within the frame of DevConf 2013.
The format of the DevConf conference will thus consist of the first conference day and the second day of masterclasses. The second day is considered optional and requires a separate registration.
The conference is designed for professional web-developers and those who dream of becoming one. It unites ALL the most commonly-used languages, each of which will have it’s own hall.
Dive into the areas of technology that have been attracting the most interest. You can be assured that every area will be represented by top professionals. In every sections presentations will be given by one or two authors of that language, as well as recognized experts in the field.
In organizing each division, we draw together a society of a given language/technology, which in turn invites both Russian and international experts to participate.
Details including a list of presenters and topics can be found on the “Program” page with corresponding divisions.
DevConf is the result of the active participation of a huge network of professionals. Respected people working in every programming language participate in the organization of the conference.