The digital transformation of a business is always connected with attributes and phrases such as: “speed,” “progress,” “fast development,” “resource-saving,” “adaptation to the new trends,” and “keeping up with the competition.”
Regarding the current period, more and more entrepreneurs concerned with their digital transformation say that once the decision is taken to keep up with the digital changes in the industry, their investments prove to be innovative and have a long-term impact.
In short, the future is tech, and statistics can prove it. If in 2021, 56% of companies (according to Zippia.com) choose to prioritize adaptation to digitization and investments, in 2023, a considerable increase (around 20%) in this process is expected.
Also, the best is yet to come.
However, let’s analyze the existing context of this year. Thus, we can realize that digitization is taking place in an environment marked by inflation, recession, and lack of resources – aspects generated by the political, economic, and health crises of recent years. So, in the coming months, digital transformation will play a vital role in saving and conserving resources.
With the increase in the number of companies that prefer to have everything at hand in the cloud, the providers of such services will improve the scalability and results of the solutions offered.
Thus, we are talking about security rules taken to a new level, easy access to data anytime, and backups that give users confidence.
As for the concept of XaaS, it relates to cloud subscriptions that will become more complex. They will include all aspects mentioned above and be available to companies and users. Hardware components such as laptops or computers will become just the data management interface, and their users are no longer concerned with local storage space.