Does Outsourcing Work? The Outsourcing Project – Part 1

Well if you believe all the hype out there it does. Although most of the hype comes from Internet marketers who want to sell you a product, often for a monthly recurring payment that tells you how to outsource. I intend to find out if outsourcing is a viable way of increasing your income.

I have used outsourcing in the past but I’ve never gone into it in a big way as I have heard so many horror stories about work not being done or sites being ruined. As a result I have stayed away from it. I am starting to regret that decision.

I was originally going to do an experiment this month and see if back linking is as effective as some people say it is. You’ll see a trend here… I never believe anything I am told until I have tested it for myself. After 1 hours of back linking I got thoroughly fed up… It’s mind numbingly boring and I would rather be out playing golf of cycling so there was only one thing for it, outsourcing.

If I was going to outsource the back link project I decided I might as well do an outsourcing project. Less than 4 days after I started I now have 3 people working for me. 1 is back linking and 2 are submitting the thousands of articles I’ve written over the past 2 years to various article directories.

The cost of the people doing the work ranges from between $1.67 and $2.94 per hour. I ensured that they had all got experience of doing the work assigned. This is a key point when outsourcing. I will track the cost, the increase in traffic to the sites I am using in the project and more importantly the increase in income (hopefully)!!


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