E-manual for Innovative Entrepreneurship in IT was presented during a round-table discussion on “Improving skills of graduates of Belarusian universities in the field of Innovative Entrepreneurship” on April 20th, 2012 in HTP.
Representatives of the Ministry of Education, universities that train IT- professionals and HTP resident-companies took part in the round-table.
HTP is actively cooperating with the Ministry of Education to improve the skills and qualifications of IT-specialists. More than 50 scientific and research labs for students have been opened with the support of HTP in Belarusian universities. However, modern IT industry needs not only highly qualified programmers, but also skilled managers who are able to create new high-performance IT-companies, which are actively promoting their own innovative products on the global market.
The possibilities to improve the educational programs of universities, as well as to use the practical-oriented E-manual ”Fundamentals of Business and Law in ICT“, developed by HTP resident-companies, were discussed during the round table.
The purpose of the manual is to provide to students theoretical knowledge and practical skills in business and law. Along with theoretical consideration of the issues, significant attention in the manual is devoted to practical case studies, business solutions, judicial and administrative precedents.
The manual is interdisciplinary, it is easily expandable with economic and law topics within the curriculum of IT-professionals, including: fundamentals of Marketing, Production and Enterprise management, Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Protection, etc.
As a result of the discussion a special protocol was adopted in HTP on improving the educational programs in Innovative Entrepreneurship and using the manual developed in HTP in education. Access to the manual is free of charge via the Internet at http://itlegalsolutions.com.