Over than 60 specialists on Microsoft technologies became listeners at the first .Net User Group in Odessa, Ukraine, which was held on the 30th of September. Three speeches were presented at the meeting, including one from Eclipse SP Programming Team Leader, who described features of a newly-released Internet Explorer 9.0.
The event was organized by Odessa Microsoft .NET User Group Community, Microsoft Company and Computer Academy SHAG. Eclipse SP, member of Sigma Group, had sponsored the event.
Anton Vidichshev, Programming Team Leader at Eclipse SP, had opened the seminar with a speech about Internet Explorer 9. Thus the event became the very first hot discussion in Odessa on the Internet Explorer 9 features from developer’s point of view. After that, two more speeches were made on such topics as Windows Phone 7 and Task Parallel Library.
“We are very glad that our initiative found support from both Odessa IT community and IT companies in the city,” says Alex Tumanoff, manager of Software Development department at SHAG Computer Academy. “From now on, we plan to hold such meetings on a regular basis and invite speakers from other cities, too.”
Taking into account growth of Eclipse SP office in Odessa, it is planned to further support the meetings of Microsoft .NET User Group Community in the city.
“Eclipse SP is expanding office in Odessa and will actively take part in development of the city’s IT community”, says Valery Krasovsky, Eclipse SP COO. “We are very glad that the first meeting of Odessa Microsoft .NET User Group Community was successful, and plan to further support their initiative. Microsoft technologies are one of our main competences: for example, we are currently working on a major MS Commerce based project for international company in the automotive industry.”