Edusoft and USAID’s JRIP signed a Contract for the implementation of the JCCMIS application

Edusoft and USAID’s Judicial Reform Implementation Project (JRIP) have signed a Contract for the implementation of the Judicial Council Case Management Information System (JCCMIS). This project’s main goal is improvement and modernization of the Judicial System to further contribute in strengthening of the rule of law in the Republic of Macedonia.

Development of the JCCMIS application will be carried out in the period from October 15 2009 until March 31 2010

The JCCMIS software will automate processing and tracking of submitted complains, evaluation of that data, and creation of related reports, in the Judicial Council of Republic of Macedonia, as an independent body of the judiciary which by performing its functions secures the independency and self-governance of the judicial branch.

Scope of Work:

  • Creation of complete and detailed technical specifications based on Judicial Council experts’ inputs, reviews and approvals
  • Development, deployment, installation and implementation of JCCMIS
  • End-user on-site training for appropriate and correct usage of JCCMIS
  • IT staff on-site training for appropriate and correct maintenance of JCCMIS
  • One-year free-of-charge warranty period and five–year post warranty maintenance period paid by USAID/JRIP within the general ACCMIS signed agreement

Source: Edusoft
CATEGORY: FYR, Outsourcing News

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