EDUSOFT, in a consortium with NEOCOM, signed a contract with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo (MEST) for the development and implementation of a software for Education Management Information System (EMIS).
The EMIS software will support education planning and decision making at all levels of the system: central MEST, municipality education offices and schools. The set of key performance indicators (KPI) will directly support the policy areas laid out in the long-term education strategy as well as annual education plans. The stakeholders are the central MEST departments, the planning officers in the municipal education offices, and the school directors. EMIS will help in collection, integration, processing, maintenance and dissemination of data and information to support decision making, policy-analysis and formulation, planning, monitoring and management at all levels of an education system.
EMIS will also serve as an early-warning and early-learning system for education leaders. EMIS should facilitate the timely identification of underperforming units, e.g., schools, communities, districts, and municipalities, so that decision makers can take action sooner rather than later to take remedial actions. Conversely, an EMIS should facilitate the identification of particularly well-performing units so that we can learn sooner rather than later about promising examples of good practice that may be transferable to other schools.
EMIS will also provide reliable, relevant and timely data and make it readily accessible to all users (e.g., schools, Municipal Education Directorates, stakeholders, educators, and partners). Identify new data demands for the education sector as needed for the computation of the core education indicators. Develop a set of core education indicators for enhancing the capability of the planning, monitoring and evaluation functions of the education system in line with the education strategies and goals. Give support to the decentralization of the education system.
Training of about 800 users of this system is foreseen (the planning officers of the central MEST departments, the planning officers in the municipal education offices, and the school directors).