The regulations on electronic monitoring of people will be published in the Official Journal of Moldova on 16 December. The measure is set in the provisions of the action plan for implementing the strategy on reforming justice sector for 2011-2016.
Under the document, people placed under remand at home and convicted persons moving without escort or those who leave prison for a short period of time, in line with legislation, will be subject to electronic monitoring. The electronic system represents the remote surveillance of the location and movement of people under control, via a special bracket set at hand or foot.
These persons will sign a commitment whereby they will assume the obligations during probation process.
The monitoring technologies will be used to reduce the overcrowding of prisons and to reintegrate the people under control more easily in society. The expenses for operation and maintenance of the equipment will be covered by the state budget and will represent an amount of two times lower than the expenses required for detention to prison, about 60 lei per day.