ELEKS Software Ltd., a Ukrainian IT services and product company, announced that, in collaboration with its strategic alliance partner teleologica ltd, it has supplied a Customs system (CAESAR II) to Jersey, a self governing British Crown Dependency. CAESAR II replaces and extends the functionality of the previous system used by Jersey Customs which was also supplied by ELEKS and teleologica.
In July 2005 Jersey’s government approved a package of major tax reforms that included the introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) – a VAT style consumption tax – in 2008. A fundamental requirement of the Jersey tax reforms was that technology should be deployed to minimize the administrative burden for both business and government. CAESAR II was commissioned to fulfill that requirement.
The new system allows Jersey Customs to efficiently process more than 10,000 consignments per week compared to 200-300 per week previously.
ELEKS and teleologica were contracted to develop and deploy CAESAR II following a vigorous competitive tender. The project was completed within a demanding timetable dictated by the fiscal reform strategy. Software development commenced in April 2007, all core functionality was delivered for go live at the beginning of May 2008. Development was largely completed off site. Nominated Customs officers were able to provide significant design input through a series of tightly disciplined prototyping iterations. A wide cross section of external business users were also actively involved in the design process in a series of initial meetings and subsequently through the prototyping cycles. Technical assistance was provided directly to business users where necessary.
CAESAR II provides a highly automated, paperless, e-Customs system. Businesses securely submit and manage manifests and declarations and obtain real time information on detained goods either directly from their own systems or using a business web front end. Members of the public make declarations through the public web front end – in many cases simply using an existing tracking reference provided by a courier. Customs officers are provided with sophisticated risk management and workflow tools to automatically control prohibited and restricted goods, identify potential revenue losses and implement intelligence led monitoring. Collection of duties and taxes is fully automated including accounts receivable functionality. Taxes are paid electronically, members of the public pay on line by debit card. Less than two percent of consignments require officer intervention, those items having been automatically selected by the risk management rules and assigned to a specific workflow. Departmental management are provided with a suite of key performance indicators reports.