ELEKS Software announces that its “Doctor Eleks” Medical Information System, has won “Most Innovative Product Award” at ITMED 2009, the 3rd International Forum on Innovative Technologies for Medicine. The conference took place in Bialystok, Poland on December 1-3, 2009.
The ITMED 2009 conference brought together close to 150 experts from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Sweden, representing both medical and technology professionals from various medical backgrounds, universities and software companies throughout Europe to share their experiences and best practices. Scientists and experts in the field of medical technologies discussed, presented and demonstrated innovative achievements, technological advancements and groundbreaking medical systems. During the forums three days, each attendee to the conference was asked to consider the most cutting-edge solutions in the medical technologies domain. At the conclusion of the conference, their votes were counted with “Doctor Eleks Medical Information System” winning the top honour – “Most Innovative Product Award”.
“We are very pleased and honoured to win this prestigious award – an award that was voted on by the entire attending membership to the ITMED 2009 Conference,” noted Oleksiy Skrypnyk, Jr., Chief Executive Officer at ELEKS Software. “We see this as a considerable endorsement from the healthcare industry itself,” added Mr. Skrypnyk.
“It’s clear that the membership to the ITMED 2009 Conference saw a technology that truly stood out in its ability to administer and track an ever increasing flood of patient and medical records,” said Peter Konovalov, Business Director and Program Manager for Doctor Eleks at ELEKS Software. “Our extensive market research has helped us deliver a product that is being seen as truly innovative for today’s healthcare professionals and is addressing their needs.”
Doctor Eleks is an advanced medical information system that automates all aspects of patient management and is used in small-scale doctor’s offices, mid-sized clinics and large hospitals. The system eliminates paperwork, so physicians can concentrate more on patient care and less on entering and storing data manually as has been done in the past.
The Doctor Eleks system integrates innovative technologies to create highly customizable physician examination templates covering almost all specialties including family practice, cardiology, gastroenterology, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, dermatology and many others. The system integrates with a variety of electronic medical devices that support the “Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine” (DICOM) standard. Additionally, the built-in “Picture Archiving and Communication System” (PACS) module manages the storage and processing of video and graphic images captured by a wide range of diagnostic equipment, such as ultrasound, colposcopes, endoscopes and CAT scanners. And lastly, the system is designed to collaborate securely with systems located in external laboratories and other healthcare institutions leveraging “Health Level 7” (HL7), the international standard for the exchange and sharing of vital electronic medical records.